Welcome to Option Solving (for dealing with your Decision Dilemmas) -also see latest examples below; and many more.

 See further below: What is an executive/strategist’s optimum option for coping with their role demands to avoid burnout? At our next blog in two weeks, we will deal  with: “What is a perfectionist leader’s optimum option for minimizing their adverse impact on team members?Also, go to http://www.youtube.com and type in Option Solving and go for the 1 min 48 sec version: this will refer you to OSOLing (Option Solving On-line: a virtual way to deal with your Dilemmas) READ ABOUT THE INTERESTING, WIDE-RANGING APPLICATIONS BELOW: including the latest blog. Go to SUBSCRIBE email-to your left, if you want regular notification of blog updates. Read the book, Smart Decisions: Goodbye Problems, Hello Options. And visit the author’s main website at www.ileadershipsolutions.com

Peter Arthur-Smith, Originator of Option Solving

Peter Arthur-Smith, Originator of Option Solving

Daniel H. Pink, author of business best seller “A Whole New Mind”, with new book “Drive” says, “Peter Arthur-Smith has produced a savvy and practical book that will change how you approach the challenges in your business. By showing you the limits of ‘problem-solving’ and the power of whole-minded thinking. SMART DECISIONS will expand your strategies and widen your possibilities.”



“What is an executive/strategist’s optimum option for coping with their role demands to avoid burnout; by way of using Option Solving (OS)?

A topic that comes up on a regular basis and even more so in our highly efficiency oriented workplace environments is how executives/strategists cope with role stresses and burnout. Notwithstanding our current obsession with efficiency – our euphemism for squeezing on time and resources, finding short-cuts, minimizing elegance, and producing immediate profitability – to compensate for our overall economy’s insufficient effectiveness, we constantly strive to do more with less. Burnout is also due to our own skill and resource limitations to cope with these efficiency pressures.

So your author set about finding an optimal solution to burnout by asking the following question: “What is an executive/strategist’s optimum option for coping with their role demands to avoid burnout; considering 1) their own strengths-limitations, 2) operating in high efficiency oriented workplaces, 3) being surrounded by competent, collaborative colleagues, and 4) potentially operating in conducive market-external environments?” Again, it’s appropriate to focus on just these four considerations to reduce complexity in their eventual conclusion, when that ultimate moment arrives – despite there being many other possible considerations out there.

Your author decided to create yin and yang “bookends” posed by this question, to keep his mind focused. Bookends such as these are vital for preventing our fertile intuitive minds from wandering and losing concentration. We are mostly unaware of how powerfully valuable but foot-loose our intuition can be unless we can keep it properly focused on such occasions.   

These turned out to be: “Go along for the ride; let the chips fall where they mayLack of focus and sense of direction can create anxiety;and Establish highly structured, command-and-control environs” Can induce significant extra stresses and strains. You will note the italicized detractors associated with these least likely options, which shows why they are not particularly good ideas for consideration. Even so, these bookends will now hopefully nudge your editor’s intuitive thinking into high gear to come-up with a range of realistic options – see ourLatest Worked Option Example.

He then set-out to produce at least five plus realistic options – A thru F – that would enable him to pursue Emotional Distancing (ED). EDwould allow him or a client to take a couple of hours or more of quiet reflection, or even sleep on it, beforecoming to any final conclusion. You can replace these proposed five options with any new ones of your own.

His final options look quite interesting and both he and his clients would be particularly intrigued by – Option B: Surround w/strong, talented & motivated teams (not the cheapest) as a starter and closely followed by A.Your editor should stand-by any initial, intuitive decision, as it would likely only work against him to second-guess himself once that initial decision is made…no matter the challenges ahead.

If you have an example of your own, please share it with this blogger, through the COMMENTS area or contact him at peter@ileadershipsolutions.com What is a perfectionist leader’s optimum option for minimizing their adverse impact on team members? Thanks Option Solving. (NOTE: Our next posting will be in two week’s time. Let’s have your COMMENTS or go to peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Allow time to connect with the blogger. Also consider buying the book: “Smart Decisions: Goodbye Problems, Hello Options” through amazon.com)

What is my optimum option for resolving potential payroll issue with new Compensation Manager; by way of using Option Solving (OS)?

Your editor found himself talking with a client, during a recent leadership development session, about her potential conflict with a new compensation manager colleague about endorsing some recent staff salary upgrades. Her colleague was reluctant to endorse what had already been agreed, because she hadn’t been involved in the process. While my client could see her colleague’s point of view, she was reluctant to delay things further, since that could antagonize staff. Your editor offered to walk his HR client through an Option Solving exercise to help her come up with an optimum resolution.

So, your author and his HR client then set about finding an optimal solution by asking the question: “What is my optimum option for resolving potential payroll issue with new Compensation Manager; considering 1) staff eager for due rewards, 2) new colleague felt not part of decision process, 3) could flag new colleague’s immaturity on certain issues going forward, and 4) need to sustain overall staff morale?” Again, it’s appropriate to focus on just these four considerations to reduce complexity in their eventual conclusion, when that ultimate moment arrives – despite there being many other possible considerations out there.

Your author and his client decided to create yin and yang “bookends” posed by this question, to keep their mind focused. Bookends such as these are vital for preventing our fertile intuitive minds from wandering and losing concentration. We are mostly unaware of how powerfully valuable but foot-loose our intuition can be unless we can keep it properly focused on such occasions.   

These turned out to be: Let matter slide rather than hurt colleague’s feelings.Lost opportunity to build constructive colleague-relations;and Give her a lecture on how things are handled in the company” Could undermine ongoing relationship. You will note the italicized detractors associated with these least likely options, which shows why they are not particularly good ideas for consideration. Even so, these bookends will now hopefully nudge your editor’s client intuitive thinking into high gear to come-up with a range of realistic options – see ourLatest Worked Option Example.

His client then set-out to produce at least five plus realistic options – A thru E or F – that would enable her to pursue Emotional Distancing (ED). EDwould allow her to take a couple of hours or more of quiet reflection, or even sleep on it, beforecoming to any final conclusion. You can replace these proposed five options with any new ones of your own.

His client’s final options look quite interesting and both were particularly intrigued by – Option A: Use Socratic approach to encourage her colleague to discover optimum solution. Your editor’s client should stand-by any initial decision, as it would likely only work against her to second-guess herself once that initial decision is made…no matter the challenges ahead.

If you have an example of your own, please share it with this blogger, through the COMMENTS area or contact him at peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. What is an executive/strategist’s best option for dealing with job/role demands? Thanks Option Solving. (NOTE: Our next posting will be in two week’s time. Let’s have your COMMENTS or go to peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Allow time to connect with the blogger. Also consider buying the book: “Smart Decisions: Goodbye Problems, Hello Options” through amazon.com)

What is our optimum near-term option to meet World’s Current Leadership Crisis; by way of using Option Solving (OS)?

With calamitous incidences and reports arising every week of unrest, chaos and tensions in the world and the world’s inability to resolve so many issues, it is clear that we need to find a more optimal approach to the way things are being handled and led. In other words, there are clear signals that we have a World Leadership Crisis. To this end, this author decided to consider relative near term options that could potentially address the situation.

This author then set out to find an optimal solution by asking the question: “What is our optimum near-term option to meet World’s Current Leadership Crisis; considering 1) World’s current tensions at dangerous level, 2) World seems to be drifting toward chaos, 3) Younger generations restless with woke thinking and disillusionment, and 4) Mass-migration and climate change impacting society’s stability?” Again, it’s appropriate to focus on just these four considerations to reduce complexity in your editor’s eventual suggestion, when that ultimate moment arrives – despite there being many other possible considerations out there.

He decided to create yin and yang “bookends” posed by this question, to keep his mind focused. Bookends such as these are vital for preventing our fertile intuitive minds from wandering and losing concentration. We are mostly unaware of how powerfully valuable but foot-loose our intuition can be unless we can keep it properly focused on such occasions.   

These turned out to be: “Allow things to take natural courseCould invoke inertia and world calamity;and Induce another World War to release tensions- invoke change” Could result in calamitous nuclear war. You will note the italicized detractors associated with these least likely options, which shows why they are not particularly good ideas for consideration. Even so, these bookends will now hopefully nudge this editor’s intuitive thinking into high gear to come-up with a range of realistic options – see ourLatest Worked Option Example.

He then set-out to produce at least five plus realistic options – A thru E or F – that would enable world leaders to pursue Emotional Distancing (ED). EDwould allow them to take a couple of hours or more of quiet reflection, or even sleep on it, beforecoming to any final conclusion. You can replace these proposed five options with any new ones of your own.

His final options look quite interesting and he was particularly intrigued by – Option C: Formulate fresh leader genre (EL) breed to meet current/ future World challenges-BOOK. While Option C could be the most appropriate immediate option, it will likely take a package of options/initiatives to have any real impact. World leaders should stand-by any initial decision, as it would likely only work against them to second-guess themselves once that initial decision is made…no matter the challenges ahead.

If you have an example of your own, please share it with this blogger, through the COMMENTS area or contact him at peter@ileadershipsolutions. What is my optimum option for resolving potential payroll issue with new Compensation Manager? Thanks Option Solving. (NOTE: Our next posting will be in two week’s time. Let’s have your COMMENTS or go to peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Allow time to connect with the blogger. Also consider buying the book: “Smart Decisions: Goodbye Problems, Hello Options” through amazon.com)

What is optimum option for Western nations to pursue against Russia to protest Navalny’s unfortunate death; by way of using Option Solving (OS)?

The West was very saddened by Navalny’s untimely death. He seemed like a “white knight” to offer Russians hope for a more democratic future. He was also extremely brave to return to Russia, after his earlier poisoning, knowing that he would be arrested and imprisoned for a long time. Hence the West had to think long and hard about any form of protest against his death that would have any impact at all.

It is appropriate for this author to ask the question within the West: “What is optimum option for Western nations to pursue against Russia to protest Navalny’s unfortunate death; considering 1) West does not wish to stoke war, 2) Many dissidents already left Russia, 3) Russia to crack down hard on demonstrations, and 4) Additional sanctions to have limited impact?” Again, it’s appropriate to focus on just these four considerations to reduce complexity in your editor’s eventual suggestion, when that ultimate moment arrives – despite there being many other possible considerations out there.

He decided to create yin and yang “bookends” posed by this question, to keep his mind focused. Bookends such as these are vital for preventing our fertile intuitive minds from wandering and losing concentration. We are mostly unaware of how powerfully valuable but foot-loose our intuition can be unless we can keep it properly focused on such occasions.   

These came to be: “Leave Russian people to decideNot have sufficient confidence to act alone;and West cut off all trade ties to Russia” Provoke  unpredictable, aggressive retaliation. You will note the italicized detractors associated with these least likely options, which shows why they are not particularly good ideas for consideration. Even so, these bookends will now hopefully nudge this editor’s intuitive thinking into high gear to come-up with a range of realistic options – see ourLatest Worked Option Example.

He then set-out to produce at least five plus realistic options – A thru E or F – that would enable Western leaders to pursue Emotional Distancing (ED). EDwould allow them to take a couple of hours or more of quiet reflection, or even sleep on it, beforecoming to any final conclusion. You can replace these proposed five options with any new ones of your own.

His final options look quite interesting and he was particularly intrigued by – Option B: Targeted sanctions against key Russian officials. While Option B could be the most appropriate immediate option, it will likely take a package of options to have any real impact. Western leaders should stand-by any initial decision, as it would likely only work against them to second-guess themselves once that initial decision is made…no matter the challenges ahead.

If you have an example of your own, please share it with this blogger, through the COMMENTS area or contact him at peter@ileadershipsolutions. What is the optimum near-term option to address the World’s Leadership Crisis? Thanks Option Solving. (NOTE: Our next posting will be in two week’s time. Let’s have your COMMENTS or go to peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Allow time to connect with the blogger. Also consider buying the book: “Smart Decisions: Goodbye Problems, Hello Options” through amazon.com)

What is the USA’s optimum option to warding off Iran in the Mid-East; by way of using Option Solving (OS)?

While the US would like to reduce its involvement in the Mid-East, many would like to see it take more direct action against Iran; although that is offset by Iran using proxy states to inflict damage and casualties on American forces in the region. These provocative activities are now in the hundreds testing the US’s patience to its limits. The US is being pushed to retaliate from all sides, especially after three Americans died due to recent proxy action.

It is appropriate for this author to ask the question: “What is the USA’s optimum option to warding off Iran in the Middle East; considering 1) Iran relies on proxies to shield it from direct US action, 2) Iran continues its efforts to build nuclear weapons, 3) Iran provokes hate toward the US, and 4) Iran is reliant on exporting oil for economic stability?” Again, it’s appropriate to focus on just these four considerations to reduce complexity in your editor’s eventual suggestion, when that ultimate moment arrives – despite there being many other possible considerations out there.

He decided to create yin and yang “bookends” posed by this question, to keep his mind focused. Bookends such as these are vital for preventing our fertile intuitive minds from wandering and losing concentration. We are mostly unaware of how powerfully valuable but foot-loose our intuition can be unless we can keep it properly focused on such occasions.   

These came to be: “Establish a new trade treaty with IranUnlikely. Too much bad blood to help;and Cut a conducive deal with China to supply it with oil instead” China likes to work with Iran to irk  the US. You will note the italicized detractors associated with these least likely options, which shows why they are not particularly good ideas for consideration. Even so, these bookends will now hopefully nudge this editor’s intuitive thinking into high gear to come-up with a range of realistic options – see ourLatest Worked Option Example.

He then aimed to produce at least five plus realistic sub-options – A thru E or F – that would enable US leaders to pursue Emotional Distancing (ED). EDwould allow them to take a couple of hours or more of quiet reflection, or even sleep on it, beforecoming to any final conclusion. You can replace these proposed five options with any new ones of your own.

His final options look quite interesting and he was particularly intrigued by – Option B: Pressure proxies to stay out of   situation – embargos, choke financials, no trade, military action, etc. The US leaders should stand-by any initial decision, as it would likely only work against them to second-guess themselves once that initial decision is made…no matter the challenges ahead.

If you have an example of your own, please share it with this blogger, through the COMMENTS area or contact him at peter@ileadershipsolutions. What is the optimum option for Western nations to pursue against Russia to protest Navalny’s unfortunate death? Thanks Option Solving. (NOTE: Our next posting will be in two week’s time.Let’s have your COMMENTS or go to peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Allow time to connect with the blogger. Also consider buying the book: “Smart Decisions: Goodbye Problems, Hello Options” through amazon.com)

Peel the Onion – What is USA’s optimum option in view of three world hotspots- Ukraine, Israel-Gaza and Taiwan – Option D: US & Allies reduce trade activities w/China unless leaves Taiwan alone; by way of using Option Solving (OS)?

As the US continues to face an increased involvement in three current world hotspots– Ukraine, Israel-Hamas and Taiwan, especially the Middle-East – it must continue deterring China from acting on Taiwan. Its own economic and societal turbulence makes it imperative that the US leadership work closely with its key allies to create a front of concerted action toward any Chinese intentions.  

Again, this author decided to review the options US and allied leaders could have to handle the situation. He produced the following “Peel the Onion” question to bring objectivity to the situation: “Peel the Onion – What is the USA’s optimum option to handling three simultaneous hot spots –Ukraine, Israel-Hamas and Taiwan – preferred Option  D: US &Allies reduce trade activities w/China unless leaves Taiwan alone; considering 1) America logistically-financially stretched, 2) American electorate wary of direct involvement, 3) adversaries –Russia, China and Iran – aggressively testing US & Allies, and 4) threat of nuclear war?” Again, it’s appropriate to focus on just these four considerations to reduce complexity in your editor’s eventual suggestion, when that ultimate moment arrives – despite there being many other possible considerations out there.

He decided to leave the existing yin and yang “bookends” posed by this question in place, to keep his mind focused. Bookends such as these are vital for preventing our fertile intuitive minds from wandering and losing concentration. We are mostly unaware of how powerfully valuable but foot-loose our intuition can be unless we can keep it properly focused on such occasions.   

These came to be: “Sit back and act as necessaryToo risky that could catch US flat-footed;and Demand that Key Allies play a much greater role in all three” Allies not dependable. You will note the italicized detractors associated with these least likely options, which shows why they are not particularly good ideas for consideration. Even so, these revised bookends will now hopefully nudge this editor’s intuitive thinking into high gear once more to come-up with a range of realistic options – see ourLatest Worked Option Example.

He then pursued coming up with at least five plus realistic sub-options – AA thru EE or FF – that would enable US leaders to pursue Emotional Distancing (ED). EDwould allow them to take a couple of hours or more of quiet reflection, or even sleep on it, beforecoming to any final conclusion. You can replace these proposed sub-options with any new ones of your own.

His final six sub-options look quite interesting and he was particularly intrigued by – Sub-Option AA: US & Allies layout Tiered-Strength Trade Sanctions. US  & Allied leaders should stand-by their initial decision, as it would likely only work against them to second-guess themselves once their initial decision is made…no matter the challenges ahead.

If you have an example of your own, please share it with this blogger, through the COMMENTS area or contact him at peter@ileadershipsolutions. What is USA’s optimum option in warding off Iran in the Middle-East? Thanks Option Solving. (NOTE: Our next posting will be in two week’s time: “?” Let’s have your COMMENTS or go to peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Allow time to connect with the blogger. Also consider buying the book: “Smart Decisions: Goodbye Problems, Hello Options” through amazon.com)

What is USA’s optimum option in view of three world hotspots- Ukraine, Israel-Gaza and Taiwan; by way of using Option Solving (OS)?

The US is now facing involvement in three current world hotspots– Ukraine, Israel-Hamas and Taiwan. Since its economy and society is currently under stress, it has to position itself carefully.  Handling all three hotspots simultaneously is a really tall order. It has to prioritize accordingly and do everything it can do to play for time, in the event that Ukraine or Israel can negotiate a settlement and reduce the pressure on America. So the US leadership is encouraged to utilize option solving to figure out its current optimum option.  

So this author decided to review the options US leaders have to handle the situation. He produced the following question to bring objectivity to the situation: “What is the USA’s optimum option to handling three simultaneous hot spots –Ukraine, Israel-Hamas and Taiwan; considering 1) America logistically-financially stretched, 2) American electorate want no direct involvement, 3) adversaries –Russia, China and Iran – aggressively testing, and 4) threat of nuclear war?” Again, it’s appropriate to focus on just these four considerations to reduce complexity in your editor’s eventual suggestion, when that ultimate moment arrives – despite there being many other possible considerations out there.

He then set about producing yin and yang “bookends” posed by this question, to keep his mind focused. Bookends such as these are vital for preventing our fertile intuitive minds from wandering and losing concentration. We are mostly unaware of how powerfully valuable but foot-loose our intuition can be unless we can keep it properly focused on such occasions.   

These came to be: “Sit back and act as necessaryToo risky that could catch US flat-footed;and Demand that Allies play a much greater role in all three” Allies not dependable. You will note the italicized detractors associated with these least likely options, which shows why they are not particularly good ideas for consideration. Even so, these revised bookends will now hopefully nudge this editor’s intuitive thinking into high gear once more to come-up with a range of realistic options – see ourLatest Worked Option Example.

He then pursued coming up with at least five plus realistic options – A thru E or F – that would enable US leaders to pursue Emotional distancing. Itwould allow them to take a couple of hours or more of quiet reflection, or even sleep on it, beforecoming to any final conclusion. You can replace these proposed options with any new ones of your own.

His final six options look quite interesting and he was particularly intrigued by – Option D: US & Allies reduce trade activities w/China unless leaves Taiwan alone. US leaders should stand-by their initial decision, as it would only likely work against them to second-guess themselves once their initial decision is made…no matter the challenges ahead.

If you have an example of your own, please share it with this blogger, through the COMMENTS area or contact him at peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Peel the Onion: What is USA’s optimum option in view of three world hotspots- Ukraine, Israel-Gaza and Taiwan. Thanks Option Solving. (NOTE: Our next posting will be in New Year 2024” Let’s have your COMMENTS or go to peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Allow time to connect with the blogger. Also consider buying the book: “Smart Decisions: Goodbye Problems, Hello Options” through amazon.com)

Peel the Onion – What is the optimum solution to the Hamas-Israeli War – Option B: Israel  besiege Hamas forces, negotiate hostages’ release, minimize collateral deaths ; by way of using Option Solving (OS)?

War has raged, a five day truce was arranged to release hostages-Israeli prisoners, and war has now resumed once more in full force. With much of world opinion against Israel – an unreasonably biased opinion in the circumstances – there is only so long it can wage war before the world imposes a ceasefire. Israel must therefore decide which of our earlier options to pursue, relative to its sub-options. Ultimately, all indications are that it would pursue Option B: It  besiege Hamas forces, negotiate hostages’ release, minimize collateral deaths, but with no Palestinian criminals released in exchange.

With this Option B choice your author decided to examine the sub-options Israel has to resolve this tough situation. This was based upon a revised question: “What is the likely optimum solution to the Israeli-Hamas war – Option B: Besiege Hamas forces, negotiate all hostages released,  minimize collateral deaths, and then pull out, with no Palestinian criminals released; considering 1) Israel’s heightened level of rage, 2) world and Arab support of Palestinians, 3) Israel’s inability to crush Hamas completely and 4) need to recover all 200+ Israeli/Allied hostages alive?” Again, it’s appropriate to focus on just these four considerations to reduce complexity in your editor’s eventual suggestion, when that ultimate moment arrives – despite there being many other possible considerations out there.

He decided to remain with Option B yin and yang “bookends,”as posed by this question, to keep his mind focused against other immediate mental distractions. Bookends such as these are vital for preventing our fertile intuitive minds from wandering and losing concentration. We are mostly unaware of how powerfully valuable but foot-loose our intuition can be unless we can keep it properly focused on such occasions.   

These came to be: “Let events play their natural courseQuestionable success – too much anger in support of Palestinians;and Western allies push Israel out of Gaza” Strong reluctance to do so  You will note the italicized detractors associated with these least likely options, which shows why they are not particularly good ideas for consideration. Even so, these bookends will now hopefully nudge this editor’s intuitive thinking into high gear once more to come-up with a range of realistic sub-options – see ourLatest Worked Option Example.

Now you can view his at least five plus realistic sub-options – AA thru EE or FF – that would then be ready for some emotional distancing. FF allows for his Israeli “clients” to come up with their own sub-option to aid their buy-into what’s proposed. Emotional distancing would allow him/Israelis to take a couple of hours or more of quiet reflection, or even sleep on it, beforecoming to any final conclusion/ suggestion. You can replace these proposed options with any new ones of your own.

His final five to six sub-options look quite interesting and he was particularly intrigued by Sub-Option CPummel Hamas until    permanent ceasefire in exchange for hostages – no Israeli prisoners released…Beyond that, Mossad should quietly pursue the elimination of Hamas leaders until they desist. He should then offer these sub-options to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It would only likely work against the PM and his War Cabinet to second-guess himself/themselves once his/their initial decision was made…no matter the challenges ahead.

If you have an example of your own, please share it with this blogger, through the COMMENT area or contact him at peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Thanks Option Solving. (NOTE: Our next posting will be in two week’s time: What is the USA’s continuing optimum option in view of current three hotspots – Ukraine, Israel-Gaza and Taiwan?”Let’s have your COMMENTS or go to peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Allow time to connect with the blogger. Also consider buying the book: “Smart Decisions: Goodbye Problems, Hello Options” through amazon.com)

What is the optimum solution to the Hamas-Israeli War; by way of using Option Solving (OS)?

A nasty war with no satisfactory solution in sight. Israel has vowed to demolish Hamas so that it cannot repeat the trigger event on October 7th. The world so far seems to be siding with the Palestinians, who are the in the middle of a vicious battle where many lives will be lost. Many demonstrations are occurring across the world, although primarily on the side of the Palestinians. The US has pledged to give whatever reasonable support to Israel that it can both politically and militarily. Meanwhile the scenario is like a tinder box, since it could easily erupt into WWIII. Russia and China are giving Iran all the encouragement it needs to foment all its proxies in the region to attack small American bases in the area. China is likely hoping the US will become fully committed in the Middle East thereby possibly giving it an opening to potentially invade Taiwan. Russia is hoping this war will distract US and Allied efforts in Ukraine.

So this author decided to examine the options Israel has to resolve this tough situation. He came up with the following question to bring some objectivity to the situation: “What is the likely optimum solution to the Israeli-Hamas war; considering 1) Israel’s heightened level of rage, 2) world and Arab support of Palestinians, 3) Israel’s determination to crush Hamas forever, 4) need to recover 200+ Israeli/Western hostages alive, and 5) Allied pressure on Israel to be wise for longer term solutions?” Again, it’s appropriate to focus on just these five considerations to reduce complexity in your editor’s eventual suggestion, when that ultimate moment arrives – despite there being many other possible considerations out there.

He then set about producing yin and yang “bookends,”as posed by this question, to keep his mind focused against other immediate mental distractions. Bookends such as these are vital for preventing our fertile intuitive minds from wandering and losing concentration. We are mostly unaware of how powerfully valuable but foot-loose our intuition can be unless we can keep it properly focused on such occasions.   

These came to be: “Let events play their natural courseQuestionable success – too much anger in support of Palestinians;and Western allies push Israel out of Gaza” Strong reluctance to do so  You will note the italicized detractors associated with these least likely sub-options, which shows why they are not particularly good ideas for consideration. Even so, these revised bookends will now hopefully nudge this editor’s intuitive thinking into high gear once more to come-up with a range of realistic options – see ourLatest Worked Option Example.

He then set-about coming up with at least five plus realistic options – A thru E or F – that would then be ready for some emotional distancing, Emotional distancing would allow him to take a couple of hours or more of quiet reflection, or even sleep on it, beforecoming to any final conclusion/ suggestion. You can replace these proposed options with any new ones of your own.

His final six options look quite interesting and he was particularly intrigued by – Option B: Israel besiege Hamas forces, negotiate hostages release, minimize collateral deaths – immediately followed by Option E: Israel withdraw the moment UN or United Arab administration installed. He should then offer these options to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It would only likely work against the PM to second-guess himself once his initial decision was made…no matter the challenges ahead.

If you have an example of your own, please share it with this blogger, through the COMMENTS area or contact him at peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Thanks Option Solving. (NOTE: Our next posting will be in two week’s time: “Peel the Onion: What is the optimum solution to the Hamas-Israeli War?”Let’s have your COMMENTS or go to peter@ileadershipsolutions.com. Allow time to connect with the blogger. Also consider buying the book: “Smart Decisions: Goodbye Problems, Hello Options” through amazon.com)