Peeling the Onion: What is my friend’s best option for strengthening relationships with his children – drawing on prior Option B – Find every appropriate means to stay in touch; by way of using Option Solving (OS)?

After your editor’s friend did follow your editor’s advice to complete a recent option solving exercise, that friend chose Option BFind every appropriate means to stay in touch with his children. From there, your editor advised him to proceed with “Peeling the Onion,” since that would give him further ideas on how to rebuild relations with his grown children. Consequently, your editor guided him through another round of option solving.

This meant an adapted question, such as: “What is my friend’s best sub-option for strengthening relationships with his children – based upon prior Option B – Find every appropriate means to stay in touch; considering 1) relations have deteriorated over fairly lengthy period of time, 2) both are into other close personal relationships, 3) both have developed their own different worlds, and 4) they are both gay people, whereas my friend is straight?” Again, it’s appropriate for him to focus on just these four considerations to reduce complexity in his eventual decision, when that ultimate moment arrives – despite there being many other possible considerations out there.

They then decided to work with the existing yin and yang “bookends,”as these will help keep his mind focused against other immediate mental distractions. Bookends such as these are vital for preventing our fertile intuitive minds from wandering and losing concentration. We are mostly unaware of how powerfully valuable but foot-loose our intuition can be unless we can keep it properly focused on such occasions.   

These were, again: “Live and let livePossibility of drifting even further away;and “Shower them with whatever they want” Budgetary issues and lack of authenticity. You will note the italicized detractors associated with these least likely options, which shows why they are not a good idea for consideration. Even so, these bookends now nudged his intuitive thinking into high gear again to come-up with a range of realistic options – see ourLatest Worked Example.

From there, they worked-on creating his friend’s five plus most realistic sub-options – AA thru FF – which were then ready for his friend to consider after some emotional distancing beforecoming to any final decision. His friend can then review these declared sub-options, perhaps after 2 hours, later in the day, or first thing the following morning, before arriving at an optimal conclusion. You can replace his proposed sub-options with any new ones of your own.

While these six sub-options looked especially interesting, he was particularly intrigued by – Option BB: Find every appropriate excuse to text/WhatsApp them about something; closely followed by Option EE: Send them topical articles that will capture their interest, and then consider Option CC: Find the thing that interests them most and use that as link. His friend subsequently decided to sleep on it once more and seek input from others before the following morning and then proceed accordingly. He was strongly advised to stick with his new overall, intuitive choice. (NOTE: He chose the combination.)

If you have an example of your own, please share it with this blogger, through the COMMENTS area or contact him at . Thanks Option Solving. (NOTE: Our next posting will be in two week’s time: “What’s America’s best option in light of former President Trump’s indictment?”  Let’s have your COMMENTS or go to .

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